
裡面是有關最近一些kpop進入日本,一些報導新聞消息, 跟支持神起的人士的話

有英文有中文有影片有文字  就像題目一樣,是真是假 由你們來判斷  我自己的




有些話當然不會那麼客觀  因為這是我的blog 不滿可以按下"X"鍵 離開

這裡不是吵架地方,請想清楚再跟我吵 謝謝。




[Trans] 100907 “Girls’ Generation Will Not Follow In TVXQ’s Footsteps”



“Girls’ Generation will not follow in TVXQ’s footsteps.”

At a press conference in Beverly Hills, L.A., Kim Young Min (40) of SM Entertainment stated that, “Contrary to what is expected, Girls’ Generation’s future plans in Asia will not focus solely on Japan.” He implied that Girls’ Generation would take the complete opposite road to carve a place for themselves in Japan from TVXQ, who he pointed out had focused completely on Japanese activities after their debut there and had then become the top of Asia.

He emphasized that, “Girls’ Generation’s primary goal is to become ‘No.1 in Asia’, so it is essential that we construct a system for them where their popularity and talents are verified in other Asian countries so that they naturally become popular in Japan. They will not follow the footsteps of TVXQ, who began to focus on gaining awareness in Asia only after their success in Japan.”




Source: [munhwa ilbo]

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主要是說金英民先生一再強調 神起跟SNSD不同,她們的GOAL是ASIA NO.1 ,

說神起是因為日本紅了才在ASIA 紅,而她們的SNSD呢 就是會因為人氣跟才能在亞洲紅了

就自然的在日本紅。不知道大家有什麼想法呢?!  這位金先生極力的想跟神 起撇清關係哦 =]





What Kim Young Min thinks about the TVXQ dispute.

Regarding the TVXQ dispute, Kim Young Min said, “It’s heartbreaking and painful. It pains me to see the Japanese media focusing on only one side of the Korean Entertainment industry and saying ‘Korean groups break up easily, and there are many problems within this.’”




Source: [sports khan]

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金先生說  他很傷心吶~ 還說對於日本傳媒只報導韓國音樂事業的一面,不客觀感到心痛

真的辛苦你了,我想說 要是給日本MEDIA 更客觀分析事實的全面,我想你可以不用站在



PS:: 神起不用你來擔心啦,金大社長  謝謝!




T/N: And this is one that I never thought I would need to translate… until now. It came out about three weeks ago.

-In the past, TVXQ were seen starting from the bottom in Japan and working their way up. But Girls’ Generation is flashy from the start.

▲I hope that everyone sees it in a different perspective. In the past, when TVXQ debuted in Japan, they could not guarantee that they would be popular. Therefore, they needed time to win over fans. Seeing TVXQ, who were already top stars in Korea, perform on a small stage in Japan may have made people think that they were having a hard time when they weren’t.





Source: [segye ilbo]

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我真的很佩服你的說話方式,他們沒有辛苦過?!? 眼睜睜的說大話,你也能做

倒想看你還有什麼事能做,我等著瞧,我客觀的說  每一個藝人都有辛苦過

更何況是他們  東方神起,他們的努力我們有眼看的,不用你說這些非事實來影

響我們  我們沒你那麼差勁,事實與假象都不能分清!!!




[Trans] 100903 Oricon States, “Korean Girl Groups’ Popularity Is All Thanks To TVXQ”



Japan’s renowned music chart Oricon is garnering attention for stating that TVXQ is the reason why Korean girl groups could attain popularity in Japan.

On the 2nd, their column ‘The Eyes of the Editor-in-Chief’ introduced the recent Japanese activities of Korean girl groups such as Kara, 4Minute and Girls’ Generation and pointed out the majority of their Japanese fans are women in their teens and twenties.


Oricon stated, “TVXQ must be credited for K-pop and its girl groups’ successful launch in Japan. It seems that the fans have been feeling a sense of loss since TVXQ suspended all activities, so the fans in their teens and twenties are focusing their attention on Korean girl groups.”

Following this, the columnist added that, “Otherwise, it would have been impossible for these girl groups to have suddenly sold 30,000 copies of their album or have 20,000 people come to their events.”


source: [star mt + DNBN]
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佔一席位了。 不想那些人那麼極力撇清關係。




來源:搜狐韓娛   2010-09-08  




搜 狐韓娛訊 進入2010年,通稱為K-POP的韓國流行音樂有大勢進軍日本樂壇之勢。繼目前活動休止中的天團東方神起後,又有BIGBANG、超新星等男性IDOL 組合在日本宣布出道,而少女時代、KARA等女子團體亦不甘示弱,在夏天展開了大規模的宣傳活動。特別是少女時代,日本唯一的國營電視臺NHK甚至把民主 黨代表選舉、日元升值等新聞置後,把她們訪問的消息作為新聞頭條來報道,引起巨大爭議的同時,亦證明了少女時代的人氣非同尋常。


最 近不少媒體都註意到,比起疲軟的韓國電視劇,韓流音樂在日本的風頭更甚“說每天打開電視機,都能看到韓國歌手活躍的身影也不為過”。“實際上,某韓國大 型網絡遊戲企業正在水面下積極推進韓國歌手在日本發展的事情,包括CM SONG、電視劇/漫畫主題歌等領域,都在強烈地推薦韓國歌手加入”某圈內人透露。現在在日本國內音樂流通市場占有相當大份額的TSUTAYA已經在著力 準備明年的流通戰略,從明年開始增大在演歌、IDOL、漫畫SONG和K-POP方面的投入力度”。不少人嘆息曾經在亞洲娛樂市場獨領風騷一時的J- POP已進入“夕陽時代”,“包括日本國內的消費者都有舍棄J-POP的趨勢"|









這消息放上來 是給大家自己思考的,其實KPOP跟JPOP 有很大的分別

KPOP 注重於較重的節拍,電子音樂,HIPHOP 舞曲為主。

JPOP 就較多元化,有濃厚的東瀛味道,抒情曲也比較多。


就得等待其變化了,我自己就愈來愈受不住那些沒什麼內容 涵義的口水歌

KPOP 電子音樂了,無疑會中毒,但始終我不愛就是不愛了。




少女時代-4minutes-Kara-Brown Eyed Girls(褐眼女孩)進軍日本的4種戰略


國際在線娛樂報道 少女時代、minutes、Kara和褐眼女孩等韓國女孩組合進軍日本市場正進行得如火如荼。但是這4個韓國女孩組合的日本攻略卻各自不同。






少女時代的日本推介活動時在東京的Ariake Colosseum舉行的,該場館有6000~7000個坐席的公演場,觀眾場場爆滿,從一開始就用“大型明星”的品牌創意給日本粉絲留下了深刻印象。








Kara: 日本版本




Kara 在進軍日本的同時,本月13日將作為日本MTV每年例行的夏季音樂慶典“ZUSHI FES 10”的特別嘉賓登上舞臺。她們還參演娛樂節目、出版照片集DVD等。日本偶像市場向來喜歡可愛、聰明的女孩組合,而Kara本身就擁有這樣的特征,因此 很容易就貼近了日本市場。











給大家看一下最近女團的狀況,我個人覺得KARA 的成功率會比較高,


不太有興趣啦,因為他們的STYLE真的不是這TYPE, 他們是可愛小小的口味,AKB48 才是



PS:: 要知道現在大多的女團日本FANS 都是女FANS來的,男飯很少。






[Trans] 100910 Supernova Thanks TVXQ In Interview





Supernova compared the differences between idol groups in Korea and Japan and stated that different things are expected from each country. While Korea focuses on the musical aspect of idols, the Japanese focus on the variety show quality of idols. Therefore, this difference makes Korean idol groups a refreshing change for the Japanese who accept them as true musicians. Supernova pointed out that the best example of this is TVXQ.

It is all thanks to our seniors TVXQ that we’re getting so much love from Japan. It should be known that TVXQ changed the Japanese perception of Korean idol groups and because of this, it has become easier to debut in Japan because the people there now pay more attention to K-pop.”


Source: [spn edaily]
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[Trans] 100910 HIDEAKI TOKUNAGA Blog Update



Tohoshinki’s Tears

The first time I met them was in 2009 at FNS.
What I felt that time was
(They are so beautiful and so sensitive)

I got a chance to read their book
“Tohoshinki no Namida” [Tohoshinki's tears]
What I felt after reading is that

They have been through a lot of effort and tough times.

And that is probably why they have attracted all of their fans.

I hope that they will someday become a one again.




明白了他們的艱辛 希望他們有一天能夠再一起。

謝謝...真的很感謝,很喜歡有人支持他們, 那種感覺很幸福....









[Trans] 100913 Shinjiroh Inoue’s Blog, “keep in mind that i love you”





About the right way to pronounce it… while I was still considering between “Daburu” and “Daburyuu”, at the rehearsal for Dome Jejung said, “That should be Daburyuu shouldn’t it!” so we decided on “Daburyuu” (LOL).

After Tohoshinki’s activities were suspended, when the announcement of the trio’s “THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” was announced, I received a request to write the lyrics for songs that they can sing at Dome.

At that time, I was entrusted with writing about the real feeling of the trio.

I’m sorry but I can’t write the details about it here.

From now on, I’m going to write about my own feeling… but I could really feel that the trio are sincerely wishing to work as 5 again.

I believe that it is also the wish of the duo and of course, the fans.

I was wondering how I should convey that wish and feeling into a message to fans, thus I created a wrote something called “If you have a message to HoMin, would you tell me your message?” on Twitter and Ameba.

I remember that at that time, I didn’t have that many followers on Ameba, but thanks to everyone who spread it on the Internet, I received a lot of messages.

No, I was entrusted with them.

Among the messages, there are messages that are written in all hiragana so that the duo would be able to read them… I feel very apologetic because I can’t directly deliver the messages to them…


A great number of messages contain the words “We’re waiting for the day you will come back” and “We’re protecting a place for you to come back to”.

When the song was sung at Dome, went on the download chart, and was uploaded everywhere… I received a lot of messages on what the true meaning of the song is.

Among them, there are bitter comments such as “The trio already left, isn’t it funny to say that they’re still waiting?”

Since I wrote that song with the intention of conveying the true feelings of the trio and not my own, thinking of the trio, I’ve been keeping my silence to those comments even though I’m usually a talkative person.

I also made sure that I did not write about anything that is over-sensitive….

However, since they don’t have any promotion for “The…” and “THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” this time and I didn’t receive any word from the trio thus I decided to gather my courage and write this.

“W” is the symbol of 5 and belong to 5.

“Waiting” is about the day that the 5 of them will work together again.

“Protecting” is the power of the fans.

Those are the feelings of mine, someone who was entrusted with the words from the messages of the trio and the fans.

Source: Shinjiroh Inoue’s Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


井上慎二郎 是給他們創作了很多歌的人,一直很支持5個, W 也是他的創作,


謝謝你  謝謝你為3個做了那麼多事情, 謝謝你站在他們身邊,為著他們打氣,












昨日、徳永英明さんのコンサートに行った人が教えてくれました.徳永さんはなぜか昨日普段着ないような上下白のスーツ で登场したそうです. で、MCでJYJの事を语りだしたらしく「ドーム公演でレイニーブルーを3人が呗ってくれたみたいやけど……最初、正直舐めてた(上手いと言っても本家は 俺だって) でも、DVDで今回呗ってるの见てビックリした ホントに凄いと思った。自分がこの曲を作った时の感情をそのまま彼等が现してくれてて惊いた. めっちゃ良かった」そう言ってたそうです。で、その后「ちなみにこれ(上下白のスーツ)は彼等を真似したんちゃうで」とか、「ほな俺はジェジュンな で、(キーボードの人を指差して)お前ジュンスあっ、ジュンスはめっちゃダンス上手いんやで」とか、他にも东方神起のメンバーはみんな贫乏したり苦労した りして大変な时期があって……いっぱい努力してきてる。だからその辺のアイドルとは违うとか………  

永英明さんファンの上司からメール →昨日の大阪ライブで徳ちゃんが突然のイメチェン!!その事をMCで「髪形も白いスーツもジェジュンのパクリです」と言ったよ!と。徳永さんファンの间で は「ジェジュンの事好きだよね」と话が出てみたいだけど、まさか真似するくらい好きだったとは(〃艸〃

昨天去了德永英明的演唱会的人告 诉我的。德永不知道为啥昨天穿了平时不会穿的上下都是白色的西服登场了。MC里说道了JJY的事。“他们好像在巨蛋上演唱了蓝雨……说实话,一开始觉得虽 然不错(唱的好的肯定还是我本人),但是看了DVD以后很吃惊,真的很棒。他们完整地表现了我写这首曲子时的感情,很吃惊。非常好。”这之后“说起来,这 身(上下白的西服)和他们很相似吧。”“那么我就是在中,(指着keyboard的人)你就是俊秀,俊秀跳舞很好”还有“东方神起的成员大家都有很辛苦都 很痛苦的时候呢……一直很努力。所以和那些一般的偶像不一样……”









韓娛獨家策劃:韓國歌手組合發展路線解析 (2)













韓風西漸,韓流侵襲—韓國流行音樂探討 (研究報告)






少女时代 kara K-pop 4minute 日本报告

03:24分 有提起東方神起~




改變日本 韓樂K-pop流行-最主要影響者

當然是神起啦,裡面有很多神起,也有bigeast  我們要一直等待!!!!





[特效中字]100525 DC日本娱乐kpop报道 少女时代.KARA.SJ等

有仙后  有紅海哦~~~^^

08:28分也有提起神起哦 說明事實真好~~





這也是說因為BOA 神起而讓KPOP 容易進入日本的原因~贊!!!!





這個我不說什麼  自己看~~



好了  現在也把我這陣子儲下來的東西放在一起了=]


哈 話說3個現在變了合同王子了呢XDDD 你們現在簽的合同只少有10個吧,

樂天代言吶, 今天說的NATURAL REPUBLIC的化妝品model代言

,韓國經紀人公司,華納韓國專輯發行公司 , avex唱片公司, 幫他們發言的公司 , 東亞 etc..

哈哈  沒關係 我記得住的,只要你們好就好了 


我現在非常慶幸 華納願意幫他們出韓專,音源雖然重要,我也希望我們也像

日本那樣沒宣傳沒音源也能大賣!!!!! 仙后BH去!!!我們做得只有買買買買買!!!!



最後 吼一句 東方神起加油!! 屬於神起的  支持神起的 都要幸福快樂!!Fighting!


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